Who We Are

The National Federation of the Blind of Alabama knows that blindness is NOT the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can have the life you want, blindness is NOT what holds you back.

People who are blind can experience all of the joys and empowerment of every day life, and the lack of eyesight can be the least problem of blindness. Great significance is a person's misunderstanding and lack of information. For example, with proper training and opportunity, blindness is often regarded more as a nuisance than a disability.

The National Federation of the Blind of Alabama is a self-help group of blind people who provide peer support for one another. The NFB of Alabama can help you understand that blindness need not be a tragedy. We work together to promote the goal of integrating blind people into society as equals and productive members. We work towards this goal by helping people outgrow their many misconceptions about blindness and by changing laws that affect the blind.

The National Federation of the Blind of Alabama is one of 52 affiliates of the National Federation of the Blind. You can learn more about the National Federation of the Blind at our national homepage at www.nfb.org.  We are Alabama's and the nation's largest organization of the blind. Please come and participate in our organization through a local chapter in your area. For further information you can contact, Barbara Manuel, President, NFB of Alabama. She can be reached via email at [email protected] or at (251) 656-5165. Come and join us as we change what it means to be blind!

Parental Rights for the Blind Act

Alabama now has a "Parental Rights for the Blind Act". The bill was signed into law on May 28, 2019 by Governor Ivy. NFB of AL PARENTAL RIGHTS ACT 2019 274 provides that the blindness of an individual may not serve as a basis for denial or restriction of visitation or custody in family or dependency cases, denial of adoption or denial of foster care when the visitation, custody, adoption, or placement in foster care is determined to be otherwise in the best interest of the child. Blind individuals should be given equal opportunity to successfully parent their children to the fullest extent possible. Our sincere thanks goes to Representative Hollis? dedication and commitment. Her collaborative efforts with members of the Alabama State House made this bill a reality. We were able to place a law on Alabama books. This is just the beginning toward navigating our movement to even greater heights as we enhance the lives of every blind individual in our great state.

Legislative chair Nathalie Oliver worked diligently to make this bill become law and we will always be appreciative to her for her dedication and commitment toward this effort. Thank you Nathalie!!